Dr. Ross Porter of Stillpoint Family Resources : Writing a Book

Dr. Ross Porter, the founder of Stillpoint Family Resources, knows that being able to find literature that empowers us and helps us grow is a big part of becoming the people that we want to be. Having written numerous books dedicated to cultivating and nurturing spirituality, strong families, habits that lead to true happiness and more, he has dedicated himself to helping those in need find peace and healing through his books. For those who are interested in writing a book, take the following into consideration to ensure that you get your message out there:

• If your schedule allows it, create a very specific writing schedule that you can stick to. Even if it’s only one hour each day, create a routine that your body will fall into easily over time simply out of habit and muscle memory.

• Build in ways to stay motivated. Head out for an ice cream after finishing each chapter, or plan a family outing to the beach after hitting your tenth chapter to recognize the hard work that you’ve done. It will also help you get through the dry, difficult moments.

• Have a few people that you trust to check in with every so often to help you edit. It can be a mentor, a spiritual advisor, a parent, or anyone else who you think will keep you and your book on the right track.

Dr. Ross Porter’s books are available at Stillpoint Family Resources and online. They include titles such as Heroes You Should Know: 50 Stories of Goodness, To Kindle a Fire, and Hidden Graces. Dr. Ross Porter Stillpoint  is currently working on The Coming Storm, a novel.

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